MATTA: Banish the 100 km bus stop

KUALA LUMPUR, 20 May 2024: The Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents (MATTA), the leading voice for Malaysia’s travel and tourism industry, is pressing for more equitable cross-border tour bus arrangements between Malaysia and Thailand. 

Currently, Malaysian tour buses are restricted to operating within a 100 km radius of the Thailand border, while Thailand tour buses enjoy unrestricted access throughout Malaysia without any distance limit.

MATTA President Nigel Wong expressed concern over the disparity and called on the Malaysian Government to discuss rectifying the imbalance with its Thai counterparts. 

“The current arrangement places Malaysian tour operators at a significant disadvantage. While Thailand tourist buses can operate without restrictions in Malaysia, our buses face a 100 km limit in Thailand. This is neither fair nor conducive to fostering mutually beneficial tourism relations between our two countries,” said Wong.

MATTA underscores the potential economic benefits of reciprocal agreements, allowing seamless travel and operations for tour buses from both countries. Such arrangements would promote fairness and stimulate tourism collaboration, leading to increased economic benefits for both Malaysia and Thailand.

“We urge the Malaysian Government to take immediate action in negotiating with the Thailand Government to allow Malaysian tour buses the same freedom of movement within Thailand as Thailand buses currently enjoy in Malaysia. This will ensure a level playing field and support the growth and development of the tourism sectors in both nations,” Wong added.

MATTA renews its commitment to supporting Malaysian travel agents and operators, advocating for policies and practices that facilitate smoother and more efficient operations. The association is confident that the Malaysian Government will prioritize this issue and work towards a fair resolution.



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