Women a driving force in travel

SINGAPORE, 11 March 2024: To mark International Women’s Day, celebrated on 8 March, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) underscored the pivotal role of women in the global travel and tourism sector.

According to WTTC data, women comprise a significant portion of the tourism sector’s workforce, accounting for nearly 40% of the total employment.

This marks a substantial increase from 2010 to 2019, highlighting a 24% surge in direct female employment within the sector, increasing from 38.6 million to 47.8 million.

Key findings reveal that hospitality stands out as the leading employer of women within the Travel & Tourism sector, with over half (52%) of all female employment in 2019 attributed to this segment.

WTTC president and CEO Julia Simpson emphasises the positive impact of women in the sector, stating, “Women in travel and tourism play a vital role. We are proud that our sector is one of the largest employers of women in the world.

“As our sector continues to grow, women have a key role to play; we have the opportunity to make travel and tourism more resilient and inclusive. Putting women at the heart of travel and tourism will be critical to securing a sustainable future for the sector.”

The global body’s data also reveals women in travel and tourism surpass the average workforce participation in other sectors globally. In regions such as the Americas, women make up a larger share of employment in the sector compared to the economy-wide workforce.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, this data underscores the significant contribution of women to the travel and tourism sector, portraying it as a catalyst for gender inclusivity and empowerment on a global scale.

WTTC remains committed to providing high-wage jobs, gender equality, fostering entrepreneurship through SMEs, and generating more high-level opportunities for women within large corporations.

(Source: WTTC)