SINGAPORE, 22 JULY 2021: Singapore takes a step back to reapply stricter measures in response to increases in community-linked and unlinked Covid-19 cases, the Ministry of Health announced earlier this week.

The ministry confirmed the stricter measures take effect from 22 July 2021 through 18 August 2021, replacing measures that were introduced on 19 July.

The return to stricter measures means the permissible group sizes for social gatherings reduce from five to two persons together with a cap of two distinct visitors per household per day.

Individuals should continue to limit their overall number of social gatherings to not more than two per day, whether to another household or meeting with friends and family members in a public place.


Work-from-home will continue to be the default at workplaces. Employers must ensure that employees who are able to work from home do so. There should continue to be no cross-deployment of workers to multiple worksites. Employers should continue to stagger the start times of employees who need to return to the workplace and implement flexible working hours. Social gatherings at the workplace will not be allowed.

Dining limits

Both indoor and outdoor dine-in F&B establishments (including hawker centres and food courts) will only be able to offer takeaway and delivery options to reduce the risk of community transmission.

Strenuous indoor exercise classes, or strenuous individual and group indoor sports and exercise activities, will also end.

Cut out the singing

In addition, personalised services which require masks to be removed (facials, saunas, make-up services), singing, and the playing of instruments that require intentional expulsion of air (wind or brass instruments) will also not be allowed. These restrictions will not apply to medical and dental consultations that require patients to have their masks removed. Non-medical facial treatments will not be exempted from these restrictions.

Live performances and MICE

The ministry is scaling down event sizes and lowering the event size caps. Pre-event testing (PET) remains an essential measure to help ensure that events can proceed safely for attendees.

Up to 100 persons may be allowed with PET, and up to 50 persons may be allowed without PET. Unmasking is not allowed for speakers and performers, and there should be no singing or playing of instruments that require intentional expulsion of air.

Spectator sports events.

Up to 100 persons may be allowed to attend spectator and participatory sports events with PET implemented. PET will not be required if there are 50 persons or fewer.

Attractions and shows.

The operating capacity of attractions will be reduced to 25% from the current permissible capacity of 50%. Indoor and outdoor shows may proceed with up to 100 persons with PET and up to 50 persons without PET.